Saturday, July 3, 2010

and they were all yellow

Well it's been a billion and one years since I've updated my blog. So sad. I was so excited at first and had many many plans on keeping it updated everyday! Fail. It happens. Well let's try to update as much as possible.. shall we? I'll start with my paintings. When I lived back at home I would painting everyday! I found it very relaxing and just.. fun! Not that I was any good, but that's completely besides the point :) Now, I introduce to you- Porky Pig!

and then there's Daffy Duck!

yep. They are friendly ole pals. Next thing on my list to update you is that I recently made dirt cake! I know, it sounds.. disgusting.. but basically you make Oreos look like dirt so it's really yummy! I suppose the last thing I can think of at the moment are my yellow plates. Seeing how I am a college student, who is also a poor one, I love the thought of free stuff! That's where these babies come into the picture..

I was driving home from school one day and I passed by this house that had about 5 boxes outside that said "FREE" .. I saw the yellow plates from afar and I snatched these babies before anyone else took them! A steal.. that's what I would like to call this situation. Well anyways, I think I'd done a pretty good job at updating my blog with my life lately. Oh yes! And.. I made a purchase of two wonderful things last night.. a book called " The Shack" and "Selena" the cd. I know what you're thinking.. it's one of the best purchases ever made. Anyways, I think I'm done for the night. Bye bye blog site! Until next time!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

cherish the memories

This weekend I went to Brownwood for a family reunion. It was pretty cool. On the way there Jackie and I stopped at a few antique stores and I bought the game croquet for $10! I know, I was pretty excited. I also bought a gumball machine and a wooden framed mirror, but that's no biggie. So at the antique store I found all these really neat things! One thing I saw was a super cool old treadmill. Check it out! Isn't it crazy? I bet it was made in the early 1900's. Maybe the 1890's, I'm still doing my research. Well I had a good time with my family this weekend. My camera broke so that was the only sad thing that happened but on the happy note.. I have been wanting to get another one so I guess it's finally time! Good thing I took pictures in my phone... cherish the memories. Well it has been a fun filled weekend but I suppose it's time for me to begin studying and get back to reality. I always hate that. Although, I will share some splendid pictures of me and my family.
Very cute. I know. But I must say, I did come back home with several bruises from chasing around these little boogers and running into things. Oh well, life goes on. Well, I hope your day is wonderful and full of happiness and happy thoughts! So basically I hope you have a Happy Day! Oh by the way, while researching the treadmill, I found this super awesome video.. check it out! :D

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Wow. Today I learned a whole lot of greatness. It's always a struggle for me to be up and ready for the Matrix (bible study) at 6 am. Luckily, I live three minutes away so I don't have to leave ten minutes before for a drive. Well today we learned about prayer. Praise Repent Asking Yielding. It was such a huge blessing for me to be there and listen to this. Some important questions that were being asked were: 
1.) How do we do it? By being in the Word of God?
2.) Are we asking in God's will?
3.) Are we asking knowing that God's going to answer it?
4.) Are we listening to God or are we answering our own prayers?

There were many questions that were brought to my attention today that really helped me examine my prayer life and certain parts of it that need to change. One amazing quote the speaker had quotes from someone else was, " We do not pray because we do not have enough faith that God will answer our prayers." Wow. As much as I hate to admit that, it is so true. I know deep within my heart that there are definitely times where I choose not to pray to God about certain things not necessarily because I don't have enough faith but because I just don't think His answer will be yes. Does that make any sense? Well we sang "Come ye sinners" with the thoughts in our hearts about what we had just learned about prayer and some lyrics that really stuck out in my head were:

"I will arise and go to Jesus. He will embrace me in His arms. In the arms of my dear Savior,Oh, there are ten thousand charms. Come ye weary, heavy-laden, Lost and ruined by the fall. If you tarry until you're better, you will never come at all"

Maybe the way I interpreted the song, for myself at least, isn't fully correct, but singing these words after such a powerful teaching on prayer gave me the assurance that talking to God, whether big or small, He will embrace us and ready with love, to show us the way. Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Summer school began three days ago and I'm already exhausted! I have three classes everyday and am in class from 10- 4:20 Monday thru Thursday. Which, by the way, I made a friend today! I have her in two of my classes so that definitely makes things more fun and exciting! I also woke up earlier than usual today to have coffee with a friend at Panera. Yes, I had coffee. I broke off the bet and you know what? It was totally worth it! Never in my life will I give up coffee and not only that, I wasn't at all tired today. It's like coffee refreshes me and makes me feel delightful.
Oh, the wonderfulness that coffee brings to one's life. Anyways, I was really blessed to be able to go out with her because not only was I able to share with her the things that I have been struggling with lately, but also share the encouraging things that I believe God has been showing me. It was a very encouraging conversation and knowing that while I have struggles, God is still working, just brings a sweet peace in my life about certain things.

Well I get to go to Brownwood on Friday. We have the family reunion on Saturday which is super exciting! I enjoy hanging with my cousins and playing with the babies. Okay so tomorrow is the Matrix so I'm going to get some stuff done now so I can wake up early tomorrow and learn alot of wonderful things!
Asta manana!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows

Holy moly! It's been way too long since I've last blogged! I apologize to everyone I have let down these past two days but sometimes blogging is hard to do every single day. Well this weekend has certainly been all sorts of craziness but I will tell you something that was very disturbing for me. Name: Rocky Balboa.
I found Rocky Balboa at Recycled Bookstore the other day, for a whopping five dollars! I thought, what a steal! I've heard so very very much about Rocky so I figured I'd buy the first one, if all went well, I'd buy the second one and so on. Apparently, I bought the last one. Now, I just feel disappointed and almost want to give up on the longing to watch all Rocky's. It's still up in the air, I haven't made any final decisions yet. 
Last night, I stayed over at Alyssa's house in Allen. We invited our friend Ashley over and all played wii fit together. Yesterday was not my winning day. But that's what wii fit is for, to humiliate yourself and have lots of laughs in the process of participating in the embarrassing exercises it offers you. I give wii fit two thumbs up for the fun exercises and for creating it to be a fun get together for family and friends.

Well as my friend Roy Rogers, would say.. " Happy trails to you, til we meet again."

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Today is one of those amazing God days. I haven't slept for about twenty four hours now, mostly a mixture of talking to God and studying, with a little distraction on the side of course. I've been listening to the song "reign in us" by Starfield, over and over again. The part of the song that really has caught my eye is..
"Lord Jesus, come lead us, we're desperate for Your touch. Oh Great and Mighty One, with one desire we come, that You would reign in us. We're offering up our lives, a living sacrifice, that You would reign, that You would reign in us."

Today was the first day of the Matrix. A bible study with college life. As we began singing worship, I felt God speaking to me in a way I haven't felt in a long time. It was so refreshing. Once we got started, I was so excited because I knew, something Jeff was going to say, God was going to use to speak to me. Identity. He said " our activity does not define our identity but our identity should define our activity." I definitely needed to hear that. Personally, I would love to say I learn from the first time somebody has words of wisdom but truth is, I need to be reminded. Today was a reminder. I gave my life to Christ. I was God in my everything because He is my everything and everything in my life I want to be about Him. My head has so many thoughts right now, great ones. I'm amazed. God is good.
Thank you Lord for showing me the true meaning of love! Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

chitty chitty bang bang

Sadly, this was my day today. Watching my car get towed away. Oh well. At least I know when my baby comes back, she'll be working just fine! I guess that means no going out and buying ingredients for Wednesday dessert nights. It happens. Have a happy day!